Dear St. Andrew Saints:
I’m back! Sort of. While we had the most wonderful celebration of our interim ministry together on Sunday (4/21), my last Sunday is this coming weekend. I am so delighted to have a chance to share in the ordination and installation of new officers. It feels like a hand-off in a way. One minister leaves and another steps up to the task.
Yes, minister. The doctrine is the priesthood of all believers. Elders and Ministers of Word and Sacrament are equals in the governance of the church. Both are called to preach the gospel. Both are called to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination and love. Both are called to do everything to the glory of God under the authority of Jesus Christ and according to the witness of Scripture through the Holy Spirit.
I can say without hesitation that the leaders whom God is equipping and calling in this church are more than up to the task of sharing with and equipping you for your ministry. As you will hear in worship, our baptism binds us all to the same great commission to tell the world of the wondrous love of God in Christ that they may know and love and serve the Lord in thanksgiving. You, each of you individually have a great calling and commission, and together you shine as followers of Jesus Christ! Do not hide the light that is with you and within you!
in order that you may proclaim the excellence of him
who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2: 9
I am thankful to you St. Andrew, for that light, for a wonderful couple of years, for friendships, for gifts of loving mission, for worship, for creative energy, patience when I tried new things, a willingness to try new things yourselves, your love for tradition…. Should I go on?
Right now, I am also immensely grateful for the generous spirit of love poured over Martha and me in the reception, the Purcellville gift basket, the ice cream, the amazing gift of a love offering, and flowers, and did I mention, friendships! Thank you, thank you, thanks be to God for you!
Love and peace,