Sanctity of Life Week Christian Website Banner

Thanks for checking out our website. We hope you will feel completely comfortable in-person as you do online!  Here’s what you will experience:
Be yourself. Some people dress up, others come casually. Our church does not have a tradition of particular Sunday Best/Sunday Clothes. We invite you to consider the nature of our gathering–a time to show honor to the Creator of the universe and all who dwell herein. Therefore we ask that you attend to clothing that is respectful and does not demean others or show slogans that promote violence, for example.
The building sits off the road (711 W. Main St., Purcellville, VA 20132)  Come up the stairs or ramp to the main entrance. Once you enter the foyer, the Sanctuary (for worship) is to your right. To your left is the Fellowship Hall. A friendly greeter will help you find your way, answer questions, hand out programs, and tell you about the options for the youngest disciples (who are always welcome in worship).

The worship service follows an order that includes prayer, songs, readings from the Bible and interactive readings by the people and the leaders.

The program moves from gathering and offering a song(s) of praise, to hearing Scripture readings and an interpretation of what the Bible verses mean in our lives today (sermon is the churchy word). From the inspiration and grace of God’s word, we then respond to the good news by making our own commitment to serve God. This commitment takes many forms. In the service there is an invitation to an offering of one’s time, talents, and “treasure,” (financial giving). We conclude with a blessing.


ABSOLUTELY. Our Children and Youth Ministries committee provide fun and interactive learning activities teaching the babies through high school that God’s love is for them.
Children under the age of 4 are welcome to remain with their parents. Please know that we know–kids are kids and we do not expect absolute stillness or quiet.
If you prefer, we have a Nursery Caregiver and a Helper every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Your children will be loved with the love of God setting the stage for a sense of security and comfort from which to learn about their place in God’s household and family.


We are Christians. Briefly, we believe
  • that there is one God who is the creator of all that is,
  • the brokenness we see in the world is not something we can fix by ourselves,
  • Jesus is God in the flesh come to fix what we cannot, so we call him the savior,
  • Christ (a title for God’s anointed savior) is still with us as Holy Spirit and continues the work of making all things new, creating          heaven on earth.
The name “Presbyterian” is actually about our structure for administering the mission of the church. The pastor(s) and ruling elders share in this job through the session, a governing board. We are connected to the larger church through regional bodies called “presbyteries,” “synods,” and the whole denomination is one church through the General Assembly.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 

To learn more about Presbyterian faith, watch for an upcoming class called Journey of Faith-Visitor to Ambassador. It is a great way to meet other new folks, get to know the background of our church, and meet the pastors and elders as you learn about being Presbyterian at St. Andrew.

Is it okay to join in the sacrament of communion?

Yes! We are not a “members only” club. You are welcome to join in our communion service (offered the first Sunday each month). This is the Lord’s table; everyone is welcome. 
But what is communion, you ask. It is the remembrance of the last night Jesus shared a meal with his disciples. He took bread and the special cup of wine at the table and told them they were symbols of his purpose among them: forgiveness and self-giving. He asked them to remember him whenever they shared the bread and cup. So we do. It is also a meal anticipating the culmination of God’s will when everyone will be reconciled and there will be eternal peace and love. 
The bread we serve is gluten-free. 
And what is baptism?
This is also a sacrament, meaning a special symbolic act in the church making visible the grace of God. Baptism is an act that symbolizes the many layers of being adopted by God. Baptism recognizes that God chooses to be our God, to be for us, with us and in a covenant with us.
When we baptize infants, we remember that God does so before we can even say, “please and thank you.” Thus this adoption as beloved children of God is solely the work of God for us. When we are baptized as an older person by affirming or professing our faith in Jesus and our desire to be a part of God’s family, we are actually responding to the work of Holy Spirit in our lives.
Baptism is visibly enacted by our words of faith and the water we pour, but it is the act and commitment of God, the invisible love given and effective through grace by God the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to profess your faith, or bring your children, for baptism, please speak to the pastor or an elder.

Is there a big event in your future?

The church is available for weddings. The pastor will help you, just ask.

Want to get involved but not sure if it is time to join?

We have a very active congregation renewing our purpose and direction as we seek a new pastor.  We look forward to sharing in good works for the good of all, with you. You do not have to join to be part of making a difference in our community. Send your email address to to receive a weekly email that includes a calendar. 


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