Where Can I Serve?
There are many ways the followers of Jesus serve our Lord and each other through St. Andrew ministries.
There’s a place for you!
Whether you want to make an occasional contribution or become part of a regular ministry, you will make a difference. Where do you belong as a follower of Jesus Christ?
Below are sample opportunities. Also listed are the officers who lead these teams. If you would like to hear more, email the officer at
firstname.lastname (at) standrew-pres.org
Worship Lillian Brewer, Caleb Bates, Beverly Friedlander
Greeter (Check with the Deacons: Sarah Sassak or Marie Cahoon)
Liturgist (leads worship as a speaker with the pastor)
Communion preparation
Discipleship Ally Fetch, Clark Seipt, Sarah Sassak
Children–Church School Co-teacher, Activity facilitator, Vacation Bible School – Leader or Team Member
Youth–Church School Co-teacher, Fellowship Team, Chaperone for away events, Confirmation mentor
Adults–Church School Co-teacher, Small Group Leader
Mission Pat Quinn
Committee Leaders–Special Offerings, Serve Sunday, Food on the Fourth, Financial Offerings and hands-on outreach opportunities as they are designed
Congregrational Care Sarah Sassak, Marie Cahoon, Beverly Friedlander
Prayer Team, Cards and Letters, Meal Train, Visitation, New Member Friend, Visitor Host
Fellowship Katie Schweiger, Robin Laybourne, Mitch Seipt, Leslie Dragon
Sunday Fellowship Coffee, Sunday Meal, Picnics — provide particular foods/drinks/needs
Reception Preparation leader(s)
Fellowship Programs Leader(s) e.g.: game night
Communications Deborah Hill, Laura Westfall
Media Team–developing and maintaining all online communications, print communications, visual arts
A/V Team–Tom Hill; providing video and sound, live stream and recorded, for worship and special events
Property Resources Josh Shields
Interior Team Lead, Exterior Team Lead, Technology Team Lead, Contract Lead, Trinity House Lead
These roles are not people who must perform the needed maintenance and repair so much as coordinate and follow-up with the stewardship of the property for the safety and joyful experience of being or using the physical assets of this embassy of heaven.
Financial Resources Stephen Fike (Treasurer), Daniel Gillispie (Asst. Treasurer)
Track the revenues and expenses, educate the church regarding financial stewardship, make recommendations regarding investments and other resources.
Human Resources Priscilla O’Donnell
liasions with the staff members, policy reviews, recommendations for hiring, staff development.
OR — to what is God calling you? Do you have a talent or skill you’d like to share with others? An idea that you think will make the world, or your neighborhood, a better place to live-work-play? A book or bible study you’ve wanted to explore? Anything that helps SAPC become:
A beacon of peace and love where everybody belongs!