May 11, 2023
I recently watched the documentary, “The Year
the Earth Changed.” Our world came to life when human beings went into hibernation during the 2020 lockdown. People in India saw the Himalayas from their homes hundreds of miles away for the first time. Whales fished in community while their calves were safe in the distance, because “mom” could hear them if needed. The same was true for Cheetahs who could hunt and then call their cubs from hiding more safely. Penguins survived in Cape Town because they could fish and feed more than once a day. Turtles survived in record numbers because beaches were deserted. New ways to manage food harvests were developed in lands where elephants needed management, increasing the human harvest and feeding the animals. This real time event demonstrated the devastating impact human choices have made on our environment.
It also showed us, especially Christians who believe we are meant to care for creation, that whatever we can do to make a positive impact we are called to do for the glory of God.
Maybe you are like me. A lot of good intentions and some labor towards change. Recycling. Trying to eliminate plastic. Reusable shopping bags and, from time to time, I even remember to take my dishes to restaurants for my leftovers to keep from bringing home another Styrofoam box. I have a confession. I’m not very good at earth stewardship.
“You shall not withhold the wages of poor and needy laborers,
whether other Israelites or aliens who reside in your land in one of your towns.” Deut 24: 14
Fair Trade
Saturday is Fair Trade Day in the PCUSA. Fair Trade certified products have to meet particular labor, material, and growing conditions that are just. There are a number of organizations that support Fair Trade practices. Check out this PCUSA website as one example of the impact of shopping Fair Trade:
SAPC is committed to a number of hunger ministry opportunities. We also contribute to the One Great Hour of Sharing, which supports reducing hunger. Fair Trade is part of the Presbyterian Hunger Program.
Jesus said, “do you love me,” and his disciple replied, ““Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.” John 21: 17
Practicing Peace and Love
I’ve been thinking about the ways I shop. Why don’t I always buy fair trade goods? Sometimes they are not available. However, remember when there were no organic products in the grocery? Now there are whole sections and the prices are drawing closer and closer to equal or better than non-certified organic.
We can have the same impact if we ask our stores about fair trade products.
We can have a positive impact if we served Fair Trade coffee and tea here at church and home.
This week I invite you to learn more about Fair Trade products and let’s strive together to do one thing this month to support Fair Trade. In this way we may,
Practice peace and love through acts of healing and reconciliation.
From the 2023 Ministry Plan, SAPC