Songfest, Supper, Sunday Funday

June 1, 2023

Neon Music Sign

It’s a Songfest Sunday! Many church people can and do say they believe in the God of the Bible. They do not read the Bible though. They sing songs and trust that the lyrics are reliable words from the Bible.

For some of us our faith is significantly shaped by the theology of our favorite music. My 2 favorites: Go Tell It on the Mountain and I Love to Tell the Story. So, you know why I preach, since I struggle to carry a tune!

Sunday, when we honor the doctrine and God who is the Triunity (yes, that’s a word you haven’t used), we will not try to describe this 2000-year-old declaration. We will sing songs that make our hearts open to the mystery of God.

For those in the sanctuary, you will be offered the chance to request a song from the hymnbook. For those online, (or others) worshipping on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., you are asked to email with your preferred hymns.

If you need a hymnbook for home worship, please call the church office or come by to pick one up.

As we listen to the choices our friends make, we will learn more about how God is part of the lives we share in this church. We will learn more about the mystery of who God is to people at St. Andrew. And we will begin to see the doctrines that shape our faith as a group and connect with each other in new ways.

Please plan to come, even if you don’t like to sing, so that you might hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
We will also share communion.  IF that doesn’t entice you, come early and hang out after for the picnic.
We kick-off summer with Songfest, Supper, Sunday Funday. See you there!

Rev Bev

Sing to God; sing praises to his name;

lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds—

his name is the Lord—

be exultant before him. Ps 68: 4
