Back to School

New again
Can everything old really be new—again? Can old church patterns be re-woven into something relevant today?
I sure hope so! Because one thing never changes. The best way to follow Jesus is to do what the first 12 followers did. They got together and talked and experienced life with Jesus. We can’t provide Jesus but we can provide the time and space for the living word to be shared with each other, and
…where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them. Mt 18: 20
Starting September 10-Church School for All Ages!

The Session is excited to announce the beginning of a new season of Discipleship.

On Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., you are invited to come to church school. There will be two adult classes; a youth class; and classes for nursery; 3yo-Pre-K; K-2nd; and 3rd-5th graders.

Your Discipleship Committee consists of Adults: Ally Fetch, Youth: Clark Seipt, Kirsten Shields, Children: Sarah Sassak

For the children’s ministry
Please consider how you can support the children’s ministry: teaching or serving as a teacher’s aide, or behind the scenes in providing snacks or stocking the supplies, supporting the Sunday program as an overseer (in old language the Sunday School Superintendent). The goal is to have at least 24 teachers so that each team of 2 will serve 1 Sunday every four weeks. Over the course of the year this is 8 Sundays. You will have a training workshop to learn about the curriculum and the support you have and the monthly requirements. Attending the workshop does not commit you to volunteering. It is meant to be informative to help you discern if you can say

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!      Isaiah 6: 8

Backpack blessings for Back-to-School will be August 20. Watch for more to come from the youth and adult ministries as we move into the Fall Kickoff, September 10.
