Summer Sundays Roamin’

Summer Series

Who’s here this summer? Are you on the road again? Off to the beach or mountains or grandparents? Maybe you are planning a staycation, chilling on your patio or if you’re lucky by a cool stream or pool around the neighborhood. Do you love to share vacay photos? (Read on.) Renewal is essential to healthy spiritual growth.

Wherever you are, you can take in the stillness of a summer sun and know the hug of love from God, or the loud thunder of a summer storm and read Scripture about God’s booming voice. The point is, wherever we wander, there we are found by God’s Spirit. The Lord is never absent from your presence and longs to see you enjoy the gift of Sabbath and re-creation.

Here at SAPC, we will have a “vacation” summer, too. We are going:
Roamin’ with the Romans.

Roman roadbuilding enabled their culture, their armies, their law to spread out across the west and middle eastern nations. The same roads allowed those nations to go to Rome. Paul had dual citizenship, and his last stop in life was Rome. His letter to the new church in Rome is the first of the letters in our New Testament.

While we read this book of the Bible and learn about the beginnings of the western Christian church, we will take a look at the world where the PCUSA is engaged in mission, too. We will wander, having worship in the sanctuary, in Fellowship Hall, outside, and possibly even off campus.
 Wanna share your favorite vacation stories?

I’d love to hear your vacation stories. If you are travelling this summer and want to share a few minutes of your trip (or home vacay) and how you experience God outside the building and life of SAPC, consider sharing this good news with the church. Please email me at or call me.

If you typically worship online, this road show will affect what you see on Sunday mornings. Likely there will be a hymn, a scripture, a devotional sharing related to the Sunday sermon, and a prayer. There may be some Sundays without a live event, only a recorded one. What would you like to see? This is your chance to shape what is most important to you for home worship.

Ready, Set, MOVE!

Oh—that just happens to be the name of VBS, which begins Monday! Let’s go!

Peace, Beverly
